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Opracowany przez nasz zespół w Wielkiej Brytanii i kontrolowany przez aplikację Multi-Room BluOS, nasz wzmacniacz do transmisji strumieniowej jest zoptymalizowany pod kątem Twojego domu i Twojego codziennego życia. Odkrywaj całą swoją muzykę i wszystkie swoje urządzenia za pomocą jednego, intuicyjnego pokrętła sterującego. Wzmocniony dzwiek - uproszczona obsluga.
"With its effortless dynamics, sense of realism, drama and control, I can think of few amps I’ve enjoyed listening to as much as the Caspian 4G"
- Audiograde
Setup via the intuitive MaestroUnite app, the Caspian Integrated Amplifier delivers extraordinary levels of detailed, high-fidelity sound. Designed for the user.
Unify your system and discover a deeper connection to Roksan and Monitor Audio.
The Roksan and Monitor Audio ‘MaestroUnite’ App revolutionises system setup and audio control, offering consumers a seamless and intuitive way to manage and enhance their high-fidelity audio systems.
This innovative app enables users to effortlessly explore advanced configurations, customise audio preferences, support Over-The-Air (OTA) updates and build an augmented eco-system of supported Monitor Audio Group products.
MaestroUnite is a user-friendly interface with robust functionality making it an essential tool for anyone seeking to elevate their home audio experience. Listen Again.
Roksan electronics are engineered for today’s connected consumers, who desire an enhanced audio experience.
For a full list of product specifications, please click below.
Caspian Series 4G’s electronics architecture is something really very special. It benefits from an advanced feature set, that ensures all use-cases are being delivered upon. Its flexibility, usability and powerful musical delivery are built into our innovative ‘digital first’ DNA and physical design.
Both the Caspian Streaming Amplifier and Integrated Amplifier come with an elegant and practical Roksan remote control to help users operate their device with ease.
Beautifully designed, its ergonomic, aluminium extruded design is perfectly weighted to sit comfortably in the hand. The buttons are clear and intuitive to use, helping the user navigate through the inputs and directly set pre-sets, as well as a host of standard operational features.
Click here to view full Caspian Series 4G specifications.
Silver, Black
Extruded and machined Aluminimum front & top cover with extruded Aluminimum heatsinks.
93 x 432 x 378 mm (311/16 x 17 x 147/8")
15.2 kg (33 lb 8 oz)
Caspian 4G Integrated Amplifier