Darmowa dostawa | 5 lata gwarancji | Zwroty w ciągu 30 dni
„Zoptymalizowany, aby być idealnym elementem Twojego systemu Attessa, transport CD integruje się ze wzmacniaczami Attessa, tworząc z nimi jeden system. Dzięki temu uzyskujesz wszystkie zalety najnowocześniejszego systemu Hi-Fi, takie jak obsluga MQA, gdy transport jest używany ze wzmacniaczem strumieniowym, plus wyjatkowa prostota obsugi”.
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"It's well-balanced and surprisingly full-bodied and natural, considering the price point."
- StereoNET
Once connected to a user’s Wi-Fi network, Monitor Audio Group’s bespoke MaestroUnite app ensures that the Attessa CD Transport is always running the latest firmware, as well as providing access to advanced setup features for total system personalisation. Furthermore, users can use Bluetooth’s ‘low energy’ mode to select the CD Transport and power it on and off, for total system simplicity.
Unify your system and discover a deeper connection to Roksan and Monitor Audio.
The Roksan and Monitor Audio ‘MaestroUnite’ App revolutionises system setup and audio control, offering consumers a seamless and intuitive way to manage and enhance their high-fidelity audio systems.
This innovative app enables users to effortlessly explore advanced configurations, customise audio preferences, support Over-The-Air (OTA) updates and build an augmented eco-system of supported Monitor Audio Group products.
MaestroUnite is a user-friendly interface with robust functionality making it an essential tool for anyone seeking to elevate their home audio experience. Listen Again.
The Attessa Streaming Amplifier, Integrated Amplifier and CD Transport, come supplied with a practical, elegant Roksan remote control, so users can operate their device with ease.
Beautifully designed, its ergonomic form is perfectly weighted to sit comfortably in the hand. The buttons are clear and intuitive to use, allowing users to navigate through the inputs and access a host of operational features.
432 x 76 x 349 mm
Stalowa z wykonywanym maszynowo, anodowanym panelem przednim
6.1 kg
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Pilot zdalnego sterowania na podczerwień
SPDIF koaksjalny (16 bitów/44,1 kHz)
płyty CD i CD-R (zgodne ze standardem Red Book)
Tworzenie i kontrola systemu
Zaawansowane ustawienia systemowe
Aktualizacje poprzez Wi-Fi
Attessa CD Transport